2007 Celestial Slamtoons updated 01/30/2007

Prince Charming Joseph Smith.

Gordon B Hinckley's Prayer at Mountain Meadow Massacre.

Mormonizing Jesus Christ by Dale Parsons.

There's a new Christ in town: Famous Jesus in red robe pic gets hideous revamp - by Huckleberry Hinckley

Del Parson, the artist behind that jesus picture you see pretty much everywhere in mormondom is apparently trying to make a few extra dollars by updating his creation.

Parson seems to have produced two different ones: see above.

The object apparently is to get Jesus to have a more modern and friendly look rather than the old one, whose blandness was only good for stopping teenage boys from porn surfing.

My captions for the newer ones:

#1: Yo, dudes, I just thought of this really badass idea: Why don't I like pass on dying for your sins?

#2: Hey, baby. I want to show you a new gospel position.

OMG That is Funny!!!!!! by Adult of god

He even has his blouse unlaced!

Jesus probably looked a lot like Yasser Arafat.

It's "Buddy Jesus" from that Geoarge Carlin movie! - by Turnip

They just are not showing the "thumbs up" gesture...yet. Either that, or JC had a second calling posing for the covers of romance novels. "Fabio Jesus"....yeah, as someone said he probably looked more like Yasser Arafat or maybe Woody Allen.

Buddy Christ! - see above - by happyvalleyreject

The Popular Mechanics Jesus - by Nebularry

All the Jesus portraits are far too caucasian to be real. See above. The Popular Mechanics Jesus who probably looks more like the real Jesus. But then, who knows?

Oh, that helmet-hair. He rode his Harley to church. - by Evelyn

He still couldn't get into the temple, even with the new face. - by Harbingef

I was under the impression that the "church" asked him to - by tigerbiter

soften christ up a little. Make him a little more palatable for the masses.

That second new one looks like he's trying to make him look more like Joseph Smith! - DoxiNoMo


Joseph Morphing into Jesus - by John Larsen

It appear that there is a real attempt to morph Joseph into Jesus and make the connection. Compare the Joseph image to the Jesus image.

That's funny to see side by side. - by Dagny

It's almost like that artist only draws one dude and everyone he paints looks like a version of it.

The sparkle in Joseph Smith's eyes is just rich.

I compared this Jesus with this particular Joseph, and I noticed - by Dinah

Jesus looked like his thought bubble was, "Mmm... doughnuts."

When I positioned his picture just to the right of the shot of Jesus, so that his eyes were towards Jesus, Joseph's thought bubble was, "Mmm... I'd tap that."

What about the huggy Jesus - by John Larsen

If you go into Deseret Book these days you will not just notice all of the smiling Jesus's, you will also notice a lot of picture of Jesus giving hugs. I guess a new era in Mormon art has been ushered in.

That smiling one reminds me of Buddy Jesus in Dogma. - by Dagny

The other one looks like a picture that should be on the cover of a romance novel.

IF the artist was gay, I'd guess he was painting his fantasy gay lover. :)

I'm just saying... Jesus the handsome stud muffin is not exactly the message they should be going for. ;-) Over my computer he would BE the porn.

Betty Crocker. Joseph Smith. Aunt Jemima. Jesus. They all need makeovers now and then to be hip.

They look like covers for romance novels - by Timmy Teaboy

Especially the one where the lacings are coming loose on Jesus Christ's blouse.

Bio profile for the new and improved Jesus christ:

Fabio, meet Jonny Christiaansen-stage named Jesus Christ. In between modeling gigs, he leads people in beatitude recitals and atones for sins of others while committing a few of his own. He likes the tango, oil massages and water walking. He's "bi" because he loves everyone.

Oy. In order, these are: - by Dinah

1. "Original" Old and Busted Christ
2. Buddy Christ (everyone here saw Dogma, right?)
3. Functional Alcoholic Christ

A happier, friendlier Jesus! YAY!!! - by happyvalleyreject

I like the casual, loosened collar, Jesus. - by harry

It's like he's saying, "Yeah, I'm Jesus, but I'm also all casual and shit."

I agree that it looks like Del uses the same model for all his paintings and just dresses them up differently, makes them wear a wig and beard for Jesus, etc.

This grinning Jesus - by Skunk Puppet

Makes me think that Christ is just showing off his nice orthodontia and the fact that he uses Crest White Strips.

When I first saw the Smiley Jesus, I thought. - by JoAnn

"Now, there's the sorta guy Mom woulda liked me to bring home." You know, pleasant, polite, nice orthodontia and all.

Then I realized - "Nope, not at all. She wouldn't go for the hair."

Dang. Mom was a tough one to please.

Oh dear Lord, the smiling Jesus is just plain CREEPY! - by Heather

Subject: A link to a more probable appearance, and not some Anglo-Saxon fantasy. - by MarkJ

To me, this guy looks more the part: (see Popular Mechanics Jesus above.)

The Kurt Cobain Jesus is more effective. - by Slacker

Is it just me, or does the Smiley Jesus painting look Photoshopped? - AZ losing faith

It almost looks like Del Parsons took a version of his original painting, and kept the outline of the head, and the hair, and then photoshopped in the smiley face. The size and placement of the eyes, the mouth, etc. just look to be somehow "wrong" for that head outline - a typical Photoshop hack-job giveaway.

I'm not saying he did this, obviously, only that it looks like he did.

Am I the only one seeing that?

When's he going to paint one with Jesus wearing a bakers cap and fig leaf apron? - by Stout

Actually, I was wondering of that open-laced shirt in the 'buddy-Christ' photo wasn't actually a Nauvoo-era garment. LOL! - by Enigma

Before and after pictures for a PROZAC commercial. - by Baura

Family Home Evening with Boyd and Donna Packer.

Aryan Deseret Industries - We're better than you.

Mormon Idol with Boyd Packer, Thomas Monson, David Bednar and Sheri Dew.

Wouldn't a "Mormon Idol" show be hilarious? I was thinking it would be. After all, that's a big part of what Mormon services are every week, a big contest over who's the most Mormony of the bunch.

Mormons could compete to win the "Mormon Idol" title. They would then be the most famous, worthy, Celestial Kingdom bound Mormon in America and take a whirlwind tour of Stake Fireside speaking engagements! As a prize, they would have their Calling and Election Made Sure and receive their Second Anointing.

The judges could be Packer replacing Simon (I have the hots for Simon, I think I could avoid that with Packer...), Monson replacing Randy, and Sheri Dew replacing Paula. The host could be David Bednar, since he's the cutest of the Twelve Apostles.

Just imagine, Packer could not only insult contestants, he could offer hair styling advice! Monson could drone on and on about some old widow in a nursing home who is spending her last minutes on earth enjoying watching him judge Mormon Idol, and with a few green jello shots, Sheri would be just like Paula, alternately fawning over and then hitting Boyd. Maybe the audience would need jello shots to make Sheri appear to be just like Paula...

Contestants could compete in scripture chases, cooking meals using food storage ingredients, healing contests (Whose P-hood is the strongest?), Holy Ghost Prompting (pick the sinner out of a line-up), testimony baring, singing Janice Cap Perry songs, Roadshow skits, the possibilities are endless! They could even have them attempt to reconvert an apostate by bringing them cookies or bread along with a heartfelt plea to return to the fold and a gift subscription to the Ensign. - Kimberly Ann

Mountain Meadow Massacre.

Satan at Mormon Church.

Teaching reverence.

Daniel C Peterson FARMS BYU time spent defending Mormonism correlates to advent of Internet.

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