The Eye - SlamToons Creative Captions

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This young man is learning what church membership is really like. - 08/05/2005 - Matthew


LeGrand prepares to put the final brick in the mental box he has created to contain all of his doubts and questions about the mormon church. - 05/23/2005 - anon


And, as Joseph peers through the wall at one of the two Lawrence girls taking off the third of her three petticoats, he has an "emerging" idea that will lead him and his "Church" into ecstasy! - 05/08/2005 - anon


Brother Mamzer wonders whether he'll ever be released from his calling as Ward Clerk. - 04/29/2005 - from Uziyahu


Elder Smacktardo finds a hole in the tight tolerances of Central America Nephite construction and concludes that there must have been a Lamanite in the woodpile. - 04/29/2005 - from Uziyahu


The TRUTH is revealed. Joseph Smith didn't die in a gunfight. B. Young tricked him with promises of Amontillado and shortly thereafter became the LDS president. - 04/11/2005 - anon


Favorite scout singalong: "There's a place in France where the naked ladies dance, there's a hole in the wall where the men can see it all." - 04/05/2005 - anon


Failing to receive any actual revelation from the Lord, the Prophet instead relies upon the "little man hiding in the walls" for all his revelatory needs. - 03/03/2005 - from Jaeld


Whenever Peter began to discuss his questions about the truthfulness of the church his wife put up an emotional brick wall to tune him out. - 01/13/2005 - anon


The missionary incharge of the brick making exhibit at Nauvoo begins to realize that visitation is way down.


Trapped in endless priesthood meetings Jim decides to dig his way out of the stake center.


The FARMS researcher peers into the ancient Anasazi ruins in the hopes of finding a shred of evidence for the BoM. - 01/09/2005 - anon


Elder Davis encounters his first clue that he and his new companion were not geting along. - 01/03/2005 - anon


Mr. Reed, I get the feeling that you don't want to have your second discussion. - 12/31/2004 - anon


SLC erects a new wall on State Street in order to protect church protestors and their right to free speech. - 12/29/2004 - anon


Bishop Meddlehelper keeps watches over his flock. - 12/27/2004 - Dagny


I have got to get around to sending in my resignation letter. - 12/27/2004 - Jerry the Aspousetate


SEE...they DO keep their garments on during sex! - 12/27/2004 - TheMadRev


It's Joseph's turn to catch Emma on top of a hay bale with one of her polygamous "husbands". Shortly thereafter, Joseph learns from the Lard that only men can have multiple spouses. - 12/27/2004 - Elizabeth


Larry has finally completed his armaggedon bunker to protect his 2yr supply of food from wicked slackers. - 12/27/2004 - anon


Honey, do you think we have enough Nauvoo souvenir bricks yet? - 12/27/2004 - anon


With the keystone of his religion removed Oliver begins to see that there is more to life than Mormonism. - 12/27/2004 - anon


"Will you give it to me?"

"I will through the glory hole." - 12/26/2004 - from Makurosu


1) Bill realizes what "raising the bar" means for him as he learns that the temple veil has been changed from a flimsy curtain to a brick wall.

2) Elder Jones discovers a possible way out of the Missionary Training Center - 12/26/2004 - anon


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