The whole world is watching as Neleh Dennis, a young Mormon woman from Utah with a Book of Mormon name attempts to become the first Latter Day Survivor. Will years of practicing special survival techniques during Fast and Testimony Meetings prepare her for the "last days" of island life? Will she lull others into spiritual sleep by the constant reading of her "scriptures" and then take advantage of them in the end. Tis better that eleven others should perish rather than a single sister perish and be voted off.

Follow the actual events by clicking on the real CBS television show Survivor: Marquesas and then clicking on Neleh Dennis bio. Neleh's luxury item: scriptures

Will Neleh's story turn into a replay of the Julie Stauffer - MTV Real People saga?

02/19/2002 - created by JeffSD

02/19/2002 - created by Stray Mutt and Cricket

"President Hinckley, it appears that the voting has been unanimous." - President Monson

Comments Section

Neleh isn't a Book of Mormon name (as you stated at the top of the page). It's her grandma's name Helen, backwords. I think the person that runs this site has a Book of Mormon name- Nimrod! - 01/19/2003 - Bob from Iowa

Yes.. and if you get hungry you can always use what you learned in Fast and Taste-A Monkey meetings. - ElderX - 12/13/2002

That would be a nice story for fast and testimony meetings man. A Mormon on Survivor will be up at the podium after they get voted off and they'll be up there crying on how they were voted off because the rest of the island couldn't stand their scripture thumping. Then they'll read a couple of scriptures on rejection and make a lame attempt to convince the fellow bretheren that the ones that voted her off will not be in the Celestial Kingdom any time soon.

Thanks for the suggestion Matt. I was thinking of just chucking my scriptures in the bottom of the the pond. But, it'll dry up and someone will find it. (sniff, sniff) I smell a bonfire burning soon. - 10/25/2002 - from harlan87

Hey, sista! If you ever get lost on the island, use your handy-dandy "Liahona!" It will take you back to the United States, where Reformed Egyptian and "French" were both spoken!- 09/27/2002 - Adieu! from Davey-o

Submission from Hera C. nelah I agree with Matt. Had Neleh used her book of mormon as kindling in the first episode, not only would she have started a great fire, but she would have decreased her annoyingness (is that a word). Had that happened she would have a greater chance of winning! - 05/18/2002 - Hera C. nelah

Also, "Neleh" is her grandma's name backwards. Spooky, huh? Guess what her last name spelled backwards is?

Dennis <--> Sinned - 03/03/2002 - Christine W. of the Recovery from Mormonism bulletin board.

I thought it quite funny on the May 9 show that the other survivors thought she was just putting on an act being the good little girl next door type .Apprarently they have never seen a real live Moron in action. - 05/11/2002 - anon

Who wants to start a pool to see how long it takes for the Book of Mormon to wind up being used as it is most valuable -- Toilet Paper? - 02/27/2002 - from Jamin

Seek the wisdom from your pate-re-article will guide you during this trial. - -2/27/2002 - from ex-general authority

Good Luck Neleh! Those homemaking skills will come in handy! I wish you the best! - 02/27/2002 - Sister Martha Stewart

"Hang on. The scriptures AND a box of matches? Yeah, maybe that WOULD help." - 02/19/2002 - from Matt


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