Meet The Mormons. Mormons in your face again. As if knocking on your door, buying Google ads is not intrusive enough now they invade the movie theaters as their latest missionary movement. Submit your reviews and comments in the box below.

New Names for "Meet the Mormons" movie

by generationofvipers and others from Recovery from Mormonism.

A Handcart Named Desire - Watch as two men of God unite to free the City of the Saints from a plague of intact hymens.

American Hustle

Sex, Lies, and Goldenplates

Kokaubeam Wars

Seven Brides for Three Brothers

Lolita 2: Even Younger - He was a man of 38, she a girl of 14. Theirs was a love forbidden by man, but demanded by God. Prepare to be taken to a higher realm as Joseph unsheaths his flaming sword and Helen holds to the rod.

Titanic - They said it was unsinkable. Millions paid a premium price to join the voyage. But when the good ship Mormonism crashes into scholarship and social progress and then hits the internet headon, no passenger is safe. Watch the captain and crew demand the best lifeboats and leave the passengers to flounder in the icy waters. Thrill over the acts of mental gymnastics the desperate passengers engage in to stay afloat.

Meet the Morons Next Door

The Counsellor's Daughter

Nauvoo Nights

Killer Joe

Take My Wife

Legends Of The Fall

Bow your head, bend over, and say Yes, YES, YESSSSSS!!!!!

Creatures from the Salt Lake Lagoon

Scripture Fiction

The Rude The Brainwashed and The Gullible

Moroni 13

Martin Scorsese's 1st film "Who's That Knocking On My Door"

"Meat for Mormons" (but milk for everyone else).

The Modern Mormon Menagerie

Silence the Lambs


Saving Ryan's privates

Apocalypse soon

Singing in the Moisture

Monty Python and the Holy Ghost

Brother Smith Goes to Washington

How to Train Your Children

Finding Bednar

The Princess Brides

There Will Be Blood Atonement

Million Dollar Building

Harry Potter and the Tender Mercies

Groundhog Sunday

Mobsters Inc.

It's a Wonderful MLM

Country for Old Men

Pulpit Fiction

From Salt Lake With Love


Anatomy of a Massacre

Dunn's Days of Glory

Documentary on Mormonism: Lies and More Lies

Meet the DoDos

Mormons: One Big Mystery

Mormonism: An 'Ism' You'll Remember

Lord of the Lies

Sour Grapes of Wrath: Meet Mormonism

Truer Lies Were Never Spoken: Meet Mormonism

Meet the Hypocrites

Father of the Brides

Four Weddings and an Endowment

It Came to Pass One Night

Cuddleshack: Joe Smith in Nauvoo

Django Endowed


The Fasting Games: Catching Liars - A pioneer trek re-enactment goes terribly awry when starving adolescents preparing for their fast and testimony meeting climax go berserk and start hunting down and killing their adult advisors with custom made bows and arrows tipped with rags soaked in olive oil set afire.

The Fasting Games: Mocking Gays

My Strange Addiction

Honey, They Shrunk My Brain

No Meat, the Mormons. (You'll only get milk out of this film..if anything)

Comments About "Meet the Mormons."

I saw that they are saying that the Red Cross will be the recipient of the funds. I wonder if they are "all proceeds" or "net profits", because I'm thinking that there will be a very large difference between those two numbers.

They will be showing this in the "Legacy" theater in the JSbuilding too, which generates zero. The mormons will shove it down each others throats which generates zero. It will be on .borg which will generate zero. It will probably be sold by Living Scriptures or Deseret Book which will probably not be considered "ticket sales".

But back to your first question. WHO? What non member, looking for a great way to spend $12 per ticket for an hours worth of entertainment would walk up to the ticket boy and say "2 for the 7:30 of Meet The Mormons, please"? - 09/02/2014 - Levi


Wait just a minute. You mean that you have to pay to see it? I thought it was a "We Pay You" to see it. Gimme my $24 bucks. - 09/02/2014 - heypal


LOL I think they forget that no one really cares. Waaay better thins to do than watch a movie about Mormons by Mormons (propaganda, anyone?) - 09/-2/2014 - tohellinahandbasket


I'll wait for the sequel, Meet The Focking Mormons. - 09/02/2014 - Sonoma


"And I'm a Mormon" campaign -- failure

"Lower missionary age" -- waste of time and money (not their own)

"I'm a Mormon U.K. campaign" -- flop

"Mitt Romney Mormon Moment" -- backfire

"Meet the Mormons movie" -- smashing success! Church increases membership to 2 billion. Earns enough money to buy planet earth. Can hardly keep up with demand for embossed underwear and freeze dried food. If only they'd thought of this sooner! - 09/02/2014 - Canadianfriend



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